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Title (croatian)
CroExpress: hrvatski glas
Damir Ljubičić
Sanjin Štiglić
Other responsibility
Pave Jusup (Other)
Author's institution
University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences)
Description (croatian)
Novine su počele izlaziti 2008. godine na hrvatskom jeziku. Izlazile su dvotjedno tijekom četiri godine. Glavni urednik je Damir Ljubčić. U suprotnom smjeru otisnut je prilog CX koji je na engleskom jeziku. Glavni urednik priloga CX je Sanjin Štiglić.
Description (english)
The newspaper began to be published in 2008 in the Croatian language. They were published biweekly for four years. The editor-in-chief is Damir Ljubčić. In the opposite direction, attachment CX, which is in English, is printed. The editor-in-chief of CX is Sanjin Štiglić.
Number: 11-838-1009 Title: Hrvatski iseljenički tisak Title: Croatian emigrant press Acronym: HIT Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
Number: 11 Title: Hrvatski iseljenički tisak: Nakladnička djelatnost Hrvata u australskoj saveznoj državi Novi Južni Wales:pripreme za digitalizaciju Title: Croatian emigrant press: Publishing activities of Croats in the Australian state of New South Wales: preparations for digitization Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
Number: 11-935-1019 Title: Unaprjeđenje interoperabilnosti informacijske infrastrukture za pohranu i dostupnost podataka o publikacijama hrvatskih iseljenika Title: Improving the interoperability of the information infrastructure for the depositing and availability of data on the publications of Croatian emigrants Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
Croatian Print Pty. Ltd.
Publishing place
Footscary, VIC, Australia
Access conditions
Open access
Terms of use
Public note
Digitalizirano u sklopu projekta Hrvatski iseljenički tisak u ožujku 2024. godine uz dozvolu glavnoga urednika. Digitized within the Croatian Emigrant Press Project in March 2024 with the permission of the editor in chief.