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Title (english)
Tony Katavich meets Mary Mihaljevich
Frank Vinac
Description (croatian)
Rukopis sadrži jednu fotografiju i rukom pisani tekst o obitelji Katavich u Novome Zelandu. Podatke koji se iznose u dokumentu prikupio je Frank Vinac, istraživač obiteljskih povijesti novozelandskih obitelji hrvatskoga porijekla, posebno u okrugu Daleki sjever. Rukopis je izrađen u Novome Zelandu u studenome 2023. godine.
Description (english)
The manuscript contains one photograph and a handwritten text about the Katavich family in New Zealand. The data presented in the document was collected by Frank Vinac, a researcher of family histories of New Zealand families of Croatian origin, especially in the Far North district. The manuscript was created in New Zealand in November 2023.
Number: 11-838-1009 Title: Hrvatski iseljenički tisak Title: Croatian emigrant press Acronym: HIT Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: VLASTITA-SREDSTVA Funding stream: Nema
Number: 11-933-1021 Title: Hrvatski iseljenički tisak: istraživanje efemerne građe i sive literature povezane s Hrvatima u Australiji i Novome Zelandu Title: Croatian Emigrant Press: research of ephemera and gray literature related to Croats in Australia and New Zealand Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
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Open access
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Public note
Rukopis je digitaliziran u sklopu projekta Hrvatski iseljenički tisak u siječnju 2024. / Digitized within the Croatian Emigrant Press Project in January 2024.